Saturday, December 30, 2017


Santa Clara, also known as La Niña

In 1992, the government of Spain commissioned exact (so far as was possible) replicas of Christopher Columbus's ships. They were acquired by interests in Corpus Christi, and I had the opportunity to visit all three ships in 1993. Due to a series of unfortunate misadventures, Pinta and Santa Maria wee destroyed in August of 2014, leaving La Niña as the only survivor.

Shipwreck of Santa Maria
Hurricane Harvey sank La Niña pier side. She remained underwater for three months.  Here's some videos showing her raising:

Ron Mrazek was kind enough to show me around on Wednesday. It was a wet day with a chilling wind. Santa Clara (La Niña was a nickname) lies starboard side to along the quay wall. Her anchor is ashore, as are her stores. The main and mizzen masts are shipped, with a lanteen yard on the mizzen. The current plan is to tow her to a suitable yard for re-fit. She looks pretty rough but a lot of the damage is cosmetic -- provided repairs can be carried out (more or less) expeditiously.

Her friends are accepting any donations, and if you've ever considered donating funds or materials to a historic vessel, this would be a time that your consideration might make a huge difference in keeping this ship afloat and accessible by the public.


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